Piwars.. THE DAY!

All excited for our first ever participation in pi-wars. William gates building was buzzing with enthusiasm early in the morning. Challenges We started with pi-noon's knock-off. We gave a good fight but got knocked out in the first round. Not an ideal start for the day. Next was lava palava challenge. We changed our wheels to standard wheels from mecanum as planned. We had to go in blind. No test runs were allowed. We were a bit sceptical on how the Robot run would go, if the sensors would work correctly, if the light was too bright, if the black was black enough. The bot however made a perfect run in 33 seconds. Yippee!! Eco-disaster time. We practiced well for this and were all prepared. We completed the task is about 2 minutes well within the allocated 5 minutes time. Minesweeper was a piece of cake with mecanum wheels. Next was escape route. There was a last minute hiccup with organizers announcing that the walls and obstacles were only 97mm high. We planned for or...